View from the Western end of the platform for Tracks 5 and 6, notice the ends of the platforms for Tracks 1 through 4, that are beyond the end of the under construction West End Concourse above
P32AC-DM #703 that has come to a stop, loosing third rail power under the start of construction for the new West End Concourse
P32AC-DM #710 at the front of a soon to depart Empire Service train, it will be delayed a bit because the back of Train #286 that has shorted out and lost power is blocking the tracks
P32AC-DM #703 that has shorted out and died while it just arrived at Penn Station
Amfleet I #82809 on Empire Service train #239 that is boarding, while passengers who have just gotten off #286 from Niagara Falls approach the baggage elevator
P32AC-DM #705 that has died near the Western end of Track 6, giving arriving passengers a longer walk and will delay service until it's clear scheduled to leave from tracks 1 through 6
Passing the freight elevator, nearly at an exit from Track 6
The escalator up from Tracks 5 and 6 to the exit concourse
A Pennsylvania Station·New York sign on a platform column
An original staircase up from a platform
The LIRR departure monitor on Track 13, doing a poor job showing the NJ Transit logo and time for a 10:29AM Off Peak MidTOWN DIRECT Montclair Train to MSU
All Abbreviations, a train to MSU Stopping at Upper Montclai
Track 1 and the southernmost wall of the station, there are blue Pennsylvania Station·New York signs
Escalator or stairs off the platform for Tracks 1 and 2? Getting off a late night Northeast Corridor Line train
Continuing down the track 1 and 2 platform towards the stairs for 8th Avenue
Maintenance Vehicles on Track 1
Getting off First Class after arriving from Boston on Track #11. The First Class attendant steps off onto the platform to confirm new passengers heading to Washington are in First Class when they board
Acela Power Car #2015 makes it's intermediate stop
Looking across to HHP-8 #654 stopped in Penn Station
The escalator up to the labeled here 'Main Level Concourse' up from tracks 11 and 12