NYC Subway

Upload: The Franklin Avenue-Botanic Garden Transfer Station

These two stations that are connected by a free transfer are here: Franklin Avenue (2,3,4,5) (12 photos), Botanic Garden (16 photos of the station and 6 of artwork)

NYC Subway

Upload: 3 more IRT Local Stops in Brooklyn-including a station with museum artifacts

Here are three more IRT local stations in Brooklyn: Bergen Street (12 photos), Grand Army Plaza (10 station photos, 7 of artwork), Eastern Parkway-Brooklyn Museum (22 photos of the station and 26 of artwork)

NYC Subway

Upload: Some exterior views of Atlantic Avenue-Pacific Street

Added the additional exterior photos of the Atlantic Avenue-Pacific Street Complex I took on Monday: Atlantic Avenue (B,Q)-Brighton Line (7 photos added), Atlantic Avenue Lower Mezzanine(1 photo added)Pacific Street Mezzanine and Transfer Corridor from Atlantic(7 photos added)