California Transit Adventures

To Disneyland via the Green Line to avoid the new LAXit and BiLevels in South Bend.

With the new Disneyland Flex Pass, Louise and I are currently Disneyland annual pass-holders and have been heading out to Orange County every chance we get (this has been our 3rd trip since August). Ideally we would fly into the John Wayne Airport every time, but flights there are generally much more expensive. This trip […]

California Transit Adventures

A long-weekend in Disneyland with a quick LA Metro Green Line Trip to LAX

I’ve been working on a variety of website projects over the past few months, none of which have ended in an update. Now I have a small LA Metro Green Line transit update from a trip we took to Disneyland in late August. On our way to Disneyland we were scheduled to fly South Bend […]

California Chicago Transit Adventures

The South Shore Line to the CTA Blue Line to Spirit Airlines to the Metro Green Line to an Uber to Dinseyland

This past April Louise and I had already paid for days at Dinseyland and again headed off to Anaheim for a quick weekend at Louise’s Happiest Place on Earth. Unlike last year when the trip ended with us getting home at 4:00am Monday morning we planned this trip with the goal of “staying on Eastern […]