California Transit Adventures

To Disneyland via the Green Line to avoid the new LAXit and BiLevels in South Bend.

With the new Disneyland Flex Pass, Louise and I are currently Disneyland annual pass-holders and have been heading out to Orange County every chance we get (this has been our 3rd trip since August). Ideally we would fly into the John Wayne Airport every time, but flights there are generally much more expensive. This trip […]

Amtrak Chicago Transit Adventures Website Updates

Flying Home From Disneyland to my first ride on Amtrak’s Blue Water to Niles

After a great day at Dinseyland, on a trip designed to keep us on eastern time, we work up (almost naturally) shortly before 6:00am at the Courtyard by Marriot Anaheim Convention Center, quickly packed up and hailed a Lyft to John Wayne Airport. The ride was quick (taking from 6:09 to 6:27) and cost $16.49, […]

Transit Adventures

Flying SBN to MSP to PDX to get the Pacific Northwest up to date, and go on my annual ski trip with my Dad

This trip report is part of the series 2018 Pacific Northwest Up-to-Date. Introduction This past March, my Dad and I planned 4 days of skiing at Whistler in British Columbia four our annual ski trip. Louise it turned out had a paper accepted at a conference in Hawaii, just near our ski trip dates and the way […]

Chicago Transit Adventures

Flying to Maine on the Opening Day of the new Washington/Wabash ‘L’ Station

I booked (expensive) plane tickets on United’s non-stop service to Bangor, Maine a couple of months ago for Louise and I to go to family wedding (and to eat lobsters) on August 31. A few weeks before I was reading up on Chicago ‘L’ happenings and discovered we’d be transiting in downtown Chicago from the […]

California Transit Adventures

Delta Flight Home a CRJ to a 767 – The new BART to OAK Peoplemover to the Q10 Bus

After Riding the Redwood Valley Railway it was finally time to head home and end my (anti-)Epic Ski Trip What made this trip work was finding out that an open-jaw ticket to Jackson Hole and home from any major West Coast Airport would cost roughly $420. Unforchunately flying any of the non-stop flights out of […]

Transit Adventures

Finally Flying to Jackson Hole! 33 Hours of Travel Time!

I’m finally back in New York and will slowly be finishing the trip reports of my (anti)-Epic Ski Bum Trip when I was having too good a time skiing and hanging out to update this blog, a real vacation! Thursday January 8th, 2015: I could have flown to Zimbabwe or Perth, Australia in the amount […]

Transit Adventures

An Easy Trip to LGA for a delayed Delta Flight to Atlanta, Making for an 19 hour day to Jackson Hole

Greetings from the UnitedClub in Atlanta where I shouldn’t be (I should be airborne for Salt Lake City) Well I’m off on another Ski Trip using a Mountain Collective Pass that will see me going to Jackson Hole, followed by Alta Snowbird, the train to Squaw Valley and then flying home from San Francisco. What […]