Chicago Transit Adventures

Starting a SubwayNut Day Trip to Chicago via a car, LimeBike and the South Shore Line to 55th-56th-57th via a stop at East Chicago with a visit from NICTD’s Finest

This post is part one of East Chicago and Metra Rock Island Day. This past summer, on June 10, 2018 to be exact. I found myself with a weekend alone in South Bend while Louise was in Poland for a conference. I was hoping to join her in Europe but I’m still too new in […]


Harrison and Rye – Two More Westchester Metro-North Stations

I’ve been working on a verity of website projects over the past month, based on past advenutes but I haven’t been able to quite get any of them finished enough to blog about. Here though is a minor update of two more Metro-North Stations from the vault, including photos from a unique visit to Harrison […]


Two more Metro-North Stations: Larchmont (rebuilt) and Mammaroneck

My current “finishing things” from the archive project is getting every Metro-North Station I’ve visited (and didn’t lose photos from during an unfortunate hard-drive crash, primarily involving the Wassaic Shuttle) up on the web. Here are two more stations on the New Haven Line in Westchester: Mamaroneck–(113 Photos) Larchmont–(rebuilt with 42 additional photos)   Enjoy!


From the Vault – Metro-North’s Pelham, New Rochelle and Mt. Vernon East Stations

I’m not quite all caught up on my 2018 trips to this date but have gotten a big urge to return to my New York City Routes and get every Metro-North Station I’ve visited with photos processed and a station page made for the website. The bulk of this update will be the Westchester portion […]

Chicago Transit Adventures

Transportation Camp and a not alone SSL trip home

I have my adventure with the door to the bike car, not quite platforming as I arrive and then start bike riding down Roosevelt Road with the unique crosswalk/bike line towards the UIC Student Center on Halstead Street.   I ride over the Railroad yards and turn north towards Halstead Street to get to the student […]

Chicago Transit Adventures

A Private South Shore Line ride with my bike to Transportation Camp Chicago

This past May (on May 5th to be exact) I headed into Chicago to attend the inaugural Transportation Camp Chicago for the day. Louise and I considered getting a hotel room and making a weekend out of it but with a big trip (no transit involved) the following weekend, tickets to Kinky Boots in South […]

Amtrak Chicago Transit Adventures Website Updates

Flying Home From Disneyland to my first ride on Amtrak’s Blue Water to Niles

After a great day at Dinseyland, on a trip designed to keep us on eastern time, we work up (almost naturally) shortly before 6:00am at the Courtyard by Marriot Anaheim Convention Center, quickly packed up and hailed a Lyft to John Wayne Airport. The ride was quick (taking from 6:09 to 6:27) and cost $16.49, […]

California Chicago Transit Adventures

The South Shore Line to the CTA Blue Line to Spirit Airlines to the Metro Green Line to an Uber to Dinseyland

This past April Louise and I had already paid for days at Dinseyland and again headed off to Anaheim for a quick weekend at Louise’s Happiest Place on Earth. Unlike last year when the trip ended with us getting home at 4:00am Monday morning we planned this trip with the goal of “staying on Eastern […]

Amtrak Pacific Northwest Transit Adventures

Heading back from Vancouver via SkyTrain, United Airlines, the Lake Shore Limited and 2 Ubers

This is the final post of my Pacific Northwest Up to Date trip. It’s a bit later than I’d like but I wanted to rebuild Chicago-Union Station first to get those 2 photos properly processed with the station. Me and my Dad have four excellent days skiing at Whistler. We head up there on the 6:00am […]

Amtrak Chicago

Chicago-Union Station is Rebuilt with Tons of New Photos

I made a page for Chicago-Union Station, way back in 2008 in an old format that didn’t acknowledge Metra, and pretty much stopped updating it. I got into the bad habit of embedding photos from trip reports through Chicago-Union Station (I plan to continue to do this in trip reports of photos such as lines […]