Rockies Region Transit Adventures

The Van Shuttle to Salt Lake City (to do the S-Line) for Three Days of Powder Skiing

This post covers Sunday, January 11th through 13th, 3 Days Skiing Alta Snowbird on my (anti-)Epic Ski Bum Adventure The next stop on my (anti-)Epic, Mountain Collective Skiing Adventure is Salt Lake City, specifically to ski AltaSnowbird. To get there are two options Alltrans (the airport shuttle companies) Mountain States Express that makes a daily […]

Rockies Region Transit Adventures

A Pleasant First Class Flight to Salt Lake City to a Flight to Nowhere Above Fogged in Jackson Hole

I leave the UnitedClub at 1:10 and find out my next flight is in the F Gates. this is the new international terminal. I take the train out there to the airy modern terminal that only opened a couple of years ago. I go up to the gate agent, show him my long receipt with my reconfirmed […]

Rockies Region Transit Adventures

Tucson’s Sun Link Streetcar Under Test

The purpose of my trip to Tucson is to visit friends, and not really sightsee or do anything transit related. On Tuesday afternoon though I had a couple hours to myself and went down to the University to go to some of the museums there. Afterwords I noticed just how much progress Sun Link, the […]

Amtrak Rockies Region Transit Adventures

A Roomette’s Good Night’s Sleep Through Nevada from Salt Lake City to Truckee to Snowless Squaw Valley

Introduction: The original plan when me and my Dad planned this segment of the trip back in November was to ski Alta for two days and then ski Squaw Valley for two days, take an Amtrak Roomette to Truckee and then ski Squaw Valley for two days. These two ski areas are both included on […]

Rockies Region

FrontRunner South, Provo Amtrak and all my Utah Photos from my February trip

I realize that the update everyone is excepting is of Metro-North at Grand Central Terminal. It isn’t next, I need a break from the intensity of the complex New York City Rail Terminals. These past few hot, humid days in New York with the start of summer put me in the mood to process photos […]

Rockies Region

The newest TRAX Stations! (Now complete!)

The new FrontLine Red and Green Line extensions that opened in 2011 are transit lines of contrast. One, the Green Line, serves 4 stations along already existing, mostly developed corridors. The other, the Red Line, serves mainly vacant land poised for new (and some transit oriented) development with just a few existing town centers along […]

Rockies Region

Additions to Pre-2011 TRAX Stations

On my visit to Salt Lake City two months ago I did visit all 13 of the new TRAX stations that opened as part of FrontLines in 2011. I also touched up on some of the older stations. I also decided I would keep the old format for the next stop buttons for the entire […]

Rockies Region

Upload: FrontRunner Roy and Ogden (Union Station)

Well I finally got the few mainline additions from Utah finished. First we have four on FrontRunner: Salt Lake Central–(14 photos added) Clearfield–(30 photos and a description added) Roy–(58 photos) Ogden Intermodal Center–(44 photos) And the railroad History in Ogden Ogden Union Station–(32 photos) The Utah Railroad Museum inside and around Ogden Union Station–(73 photos) […]

Rockies Region

Upload: The Historic Railroad Stations of Salt Lake City

Well with the holiday weekend giving me less time to work on the site I only have had a chance to write about the tale of three Amtrak Stations over the course of its history with the current one by far the worse. All three are still in existance and there waiting rooms open to […]

Rockies Region

Update: The Rockies Gets a homepage and Phoenix is here! (three weeks ago)

Well I appoligize for the lack of updates lately, my computer has been broken for about two weeks. I was installing the Mac audoupdate and it made my computer go caput. It took me a week and a half to finally find three hours (a week ago Wednesday) on a weekday (Colorado Springs does have […]