Metro-North Transit Adventures

A Trip to attend an event in the Philipse Manor Train Station via Glenwood

I haven’t forgotten about my Ocean Trip Report, just getting busy with graduate school and life’s other distractions. Where I had to go yesterday inspired me to get back to work on finishing the Hudson Line. I found out about an APA-planning related book talk being held at the Hudson Valley Writers’ Center located in […]

Transit Adventures

An Icy Lincoln’s Birthday Ride on the Aidrondack to Montreal for the Ocean to Halifax

Yes, I’m a bit behind (again). This Trip was taken on Lincoln’s Birthday (February 12) to start The Cold Ocean Not Quite to Halifax Introduction: Lincoln’s Birthday, this year the Thursday before Presidents Day is still observed by New York State and CUNY, meaning without any real Friday obligations I can have a five-day weekend. […]

California Transit Adventures

Delta Flight Home a CRJ to a 767 – The new BART to OAK Peoplemover to the Q10 Bus

After Riding the Redwood Valley Railway it was finally time to head home and end my (anti-)Epic Ski Trip What made this trip work was finding out that an open-jaw ticket to Jackson Hole and home from any major West Coast Airport would cost roughly $420. Unforchunately flying any of the non-stop flights out of […]


Ashby BART and the Redwood Valley Railway

This short post discusses my final day of my (anti-) Epic Ski Trip 2015. I flew home this evening on January 19, 2015. I awake on my last morning in San Francisco on this trip, realizing it’s the first morning of the trip when I can just relax with no buses or trains to catch, […]

California Transit Adventures

A Foggy Morning Hiking in the Marin Headlands, and evening BART Trip to Berkeley

This is my last full day of my (anti)-Epic Speed trip, and describes my travels on January 18, 2015 Saturday morning, my one full day in the Bay Area with a Hostel switch I awoke to heading into the hostels dining room and being told we have too much Granola, eat it by the friendly […]

Amtrak California Transit Adventures

An Hour Early, Empty California Zephyr down to the Marin Headlands Hostel, after a miserable conditions last day skiing Squaw/Alpine Meadows

This post covers my last days of skiing on my (anti-) Epic Ski Trip from January 16th (my full day at Squaw Valley) to January 17th taking the Zephyr down to the Bay Area where I transfer to a bus To Marin County. My one full day in Tahoe is probably my worst day of […]

Amtrak California

Upload: Sacramento Valley Station is Finally Here (Before and After the New Platforms)!

This station I honestly had basically finished a year ago, as I go through my photos finishing to write my (anti-) Epic Ski Trip Report I realized I hadn’t actually quite finished the photo labeling or uploaded the actual section up to the website. It’s quite massive and contains two sections: The first is the station […]

Transit Adventures

Sleeping well on an Amtrak Rommette from snowy Alta to needs snow Squaw, with a visit from a Reno drug detective

This is the forth part of my (anti-) Epic Ski Bum Trip. It covers January 14th through 15th, 2015. I wake-up for my final day of skiing knowing I’ll finally be getting on Amtrak to head to Tahoe where it despirately needs snow tonight. I’m still only ticketed to Reno but with so little time […]

Rockies Region Transit Adventures

The Van Shuttle to Salt Lake City (to do the S-Line) for Three Days of Powder Skiing

This post covers Sunday, January 11th through 13th, 3 Days Skiing Alta Snowbird on my (anti-)Epic Ski Bum Adventure The next stop on my (anti-)Epic, Mountain Collective Skiing Adventure is Salt Lake City, specifically to ski AltaSnowbird. To get there are two options Alltrans (the airport shuttle companies) Mountain States Express that makes a daily […]

Transit Adventures

Finally Flying to Jackson Hole! 33 Hours of Travel Time!

I’m finally back in New York and will slowly be finishing the trip reports of my (anti)-Epic Ski Bum Trip when I was having too good a time skiing and hanging out to update this blog, a real vacation! Thursday January 8th, 2015: I could have flown to Zimbabwe or Perth, Australia in the amount […]