After going to the Parade of Trains last Sunday, I decided to finally ride the J Shuttle that makes just 4 stops between Chambers Street and Essex Street, it wasn’t too exciting the destination signs don’t say shuttle just Nassau Street local. Here is the short strip map waiting to leave Chambers Street: It was the usual […]
Category: NYC Subway
This is any Website Update that has to do with the New York City Subway
I’ve actually made 3 trips to Smith-9th Street since it reopened to photograph the great job the MTA did with the station. On my first trip I was in Downtown Brooklyn and made a point of taking a slow B57 bus from Downtown Brooklyn to Smith 9th Streets, the reasons were two-fold I thought the […]
For a number of weekends in February and March trackwork on the Lenox Avenue Line and the refurbishment of 149 Street-Grand Concourse made the 2 train operate in two sections: A Northern Section operated between 3 Avenue-149 Street and Wakefield-241 Street For the first 4 weekends the southern section terminated at 96 Street and reversed […]
It’s that time again, for me to start cleaning out my subway photos that I’ve taken from the past few months (a few are of the R train post-Sandy) and finally upload them to my website. This includes some photos of the R train outside (albeit out of service) and show how far spread my […]
The last two A train stops in Inwood
Going off of yesterday’s update today I’ve finished the last two A train stops in Inwood: Inwood-207TH St–(25 photos of the station, and 76 of the artwork including most of the quotes about Inwood and the end of the A train) Dyckman St-200TH St–(54 Photos) Enjoy!
Take the A Train to the Heights!
The hardest stops to upload have been those in my very backyard on the A train in the heights, and here they are. Two are unique stops with elevators or ramps (your choice) to reach the platforms. These stops being my home stations have a range of photos from my ten years taking pictures on […]
Yes, Smith-9th Street reopened today and I do plan to visit it soon but felt no reason to trundle down to Brooklyn today since I already go down there twice a week (I was there yesterday) so that updated photo essay will have to wait for next week. Instead I spent quite a lot of […]
I am bad at keeping up with current NYC Transit events even if I’ve visited them. This update is all encompassing with all the photos I took of the South Ferry Stations and closure and reopening situation: Rector Street–(33 Photos) right after Superstorm Sandy the South Ferry-bound platform became an exit platform and the MTA […]
As I continue to try and get my recent NYC Subway Photos up and on my website, here is another set I shot this past December 9, 2012. For the past few years the MTA has rolled out the R1-9s in revenue service during December between Thanksgiving and Christmas. This past year was no exception. […]
Don’t get to excited about this update (Well I do have plenty of photos). As I continue to dither about the best way to write Penn Station itself I managed to write the two subway stations that serve the surrounding area and all of the commuters beneath 7th Avenue and 8th Avenue. The exits are […]