
Finishing the VTA Light Rail Stations

About 4 years ago I did an experiment with writing up the VTA Light Rail, that I think ended up failing. I typed up all my station summaries and decided which photos to use, but didn’t actually process the station. I decided to ‘save’ processing for when I wanted mindless SubwayNut work. The time came […]


Upload: The VTA Winchester Line

In this update I continue south with the (rest) of the VTA’s newest branch the Winchester Line, opened in 2005, it has two single-track sections where the line goes over (more expensive) bridges and doesn’t run at a grade. Race–(18 Photos) Fruitdale–(9 Photos) Bascom–(18 Photos) Hamilton–(15 Photos) Downtown Campbell–(15 Photos) Winchester–(7 Photos) Enjoy


Upload: The Core of the VTA Light Rail

About three years ago I wrote up (and flagged the photos I was going to use) for the entire VTA light rail in San Jose-Santa Clara. The idea was to have an easy ‘churn-able’ website project for a rainy day. Although the weather in South Haven, Southeast Michigan is super nice today, Louise has a […]

California Transit Adventures

Visiting the ARTIC and riding the Expo Line to the Sea on a quick trip to Dinseyland

About a month ago Louise – a Disneyland fanatic – and I went on a quick 48 hour trip by plane out to Los Angeles to use up two free Dinseyland tickets that we had. What also made the trip possible was an intro promo from Upside a new package deal website that made the […]

California Transit Adventures

Delta Flight Home a CRJ to a 767 – The new BART to OAK Peoplemover to the Q10 Bus

After Riding the Redwood Valley Railway it was finally time to head home and end my (anti-)Epic Ski Trip What made this trip work was finding out that an open-jaw ticket to Jackson Hole and home from any major West Coast Airport would cost roughly $420. Unforchunately flying any of the non-stop flights out of […]


Ashby BART and the Redwood Valley Railway

This short post discusses my final day of my (anti-) Epic Ski Trip 2015. I flew home this evening on January 19, 2015. I awake on my last morning in San Francisco on this trip, realizing it’s the first morning of the trip when I can just relax with no buses or trains to catch, […]

California Transit Adventures

A Foggy Morning Hiking in the Marin Headlands, and evening BART Trip to Berkeley

This is my last full day of my (anti)-Epic Speed trip, and describes my travels on January 18, 2015 Saturday morning, my one full day in the Bay Area with a Hostel switch I awoke to heading into the hostels dining room and being told we have too much Granola, eat it by the friendly […]

Amtrak California Transit Adventures

An Hour Early, Empty California Zephyr down to the Marin Headlands Hostel, after a miserable conditions last day skiing Squaw/Alpine Meadows

This post covers my last days of skiing on my (anti-) Epic Ski Trip from January 16th (my full day at Squaw Valley) to January 17th taking the Zephyr down to the Bay Area where I transfer to a bus To Marin County. My one full day in Tahoe is probably my worst day of […]

Amtrak California

Upload: Sacramento Valley Station is Finally Here (Before and After the New Platforms)!

This station I honestly had basically finished a year ago, as I go through my photos finishing to write my (anti-) Epic Ski Trip Report I realized I hadn’t actually quite finished the photo labeling or uploaded the actual section up to the website. It’s quite massive and contains two sections: The first is the station […]


The VTA Light Rail Tasman West Extension to Mountain View

I’ve been working on and off for months on getting the San Jose are VTA Light Rail up on my website. The sprawling county means its one of the least successful lines in the country and one of its two branches even runs just every half-hour during weekday middays: Evelyn–(17 Photos) Whisman–(16 Photos) Middlefield–(16 Photos) […]