NYC Subway

Upload – The Rest of the Rockaways

The Rest of the Rockaway Line is here: Beach 67 Street-Gaston (21 photos), Beach 70 Street-Straiton Av (21 photos), Beach 44 Street-Frank Av (19 photos), Beach 36 Street-Edgemere (16 photos), Beach 25 Street-Wavecrest (16 photos), Far Rockaway-Mott Avenue (14 station)

I finally finished uploading the rest of the stations in the Rockaways that I was working on all weekend. There of the A train’s branch, which gets a bit more use, but not by much ridership compared to the Rockaway Park branch, hence the reason it gets the through service and the Rockaway Park Branch is served by a shuttle. This branch is more of the same just like the Rockaway Park branch, but one station where you can get a train curving with only a beach and than the ocean off in the distance. Making this update from five-month old photos made me remember just how amazing it is that one train line, the A train can take through Harlem, the theater district, the financial district, up and coming prats of tenement and brownstone brooklyn, single family homes in Queens, by the largest international Airport in the United States, over swampland, and through a National Wildlife refuge, and than onto a long and narrow peninusla, where every station is just a block away from an extremely long boardwalk and the beach. All in all enjoy, and I highly recommend taking the A train out to the Rockaways for a strange New York City adventure either for the best beaches within NYC’s limits (Rockaway Park is the common place to go), or the birdintt Jamaica National Wildlife Refuge (Stop: Broad Channel). It’s truely amazing one New York City Subway Line with its $2 (soon to be $2.25) can take you 31 miles to all of these extremely diverse destinations. Anyway here are the six stations:

 Beach 67 Street-Gaston Beach 67 Street-Gaston (21 photos)
 Beach 70 Street-Straiton Av Beach 70 Street-Straiton Av(21 photos)
Beach 44 St-Frank Av Beach 44 Street-Frank Av(19 photos)
 Beach 36 Street-Edgemere Beach 36 Street-Edgemere(16 photos)
 Beach 25 Street-Wavecrest Beach 25 Street-Wavecrest(16 photos)
Far Rockaway Far Rockaway-Mott Avenue(14 station)
