NYC Subway

Upload: To the Rockaways – The Subway Line Through Jamaica Bay

I continued doing stations I took last December on a very successful trip out to the Rockaways: Aqueduct Racetrack (2 photos), Aqueduct-North Conduit Avenue(15 photos), Howard Beach-JFK Airport(29 photos), and Broad Channel(15 photos)

For today’s upload I continued doing stations I took last December on a very successful trip out to the Rockaways. The three stations are the transitional ones that are the furthest apart of any in the subway system, and also includes photos of both the A train’s Swing Bridges over different portions of Jamaica Bay. All three stations, even though along the same subway line each have a completely different feel to them. Broad Channel feels like a quick station stop on some remote Island, Howard Beach-JFK the feeling ultra-modern and a new Airport Terminal Building. Aqueduct-North Conduit and the Racetrack, feel like they’ve been neglected but have the racetrack to bring passengers to them now and again.
So here are the four new photo essays and discriptions:

Aqueduct Racetrack Aqueduct Racetrack (2 photos)
Aqueduct-North Conduit Avenue Aqueduct-North Conduit Avenue(15 photos)
Howard Beach-JFK Airport Howard Beach-JFK Airport(29 photos)
Broad Channel Broad Channel(15 photos)

Also enjoy photos of the now completely retired and being reefed into the ocean R38s that I saw many of in their final days of service back in December.