Looking across to the concrete brutalist style elevator towers for the overpass
Across from a ramp up to platform C
Approaching the eastern end of platform C and end of the Kiss'n'Ride loop
Staircase up to the eastern end of platform C
Sign for Exit Overpass to other platforms, accessible overpass, both in the same direction
Looking across from platform C and bare platform B and the station depot just below platform A
Approaching the main pedestrian bridge in the middle of the station
Looking across to the station house that looks small below the high-level platforms with canopies
The two staircases up to the overpass to garage shops, tickets, TVM and elevator between them on the island platform
A small enclosed by windscreens area with a concrete bench at the island platform's elevator landing
The sign for the 2:43pm train to Riverhead, this mid-afternoon scoot round-trip doesn't go all the way to Greenport so it can return to Ronkonkoma with enough time to be the main PM rush hour Scoot trip