A 181 Street name tablet (maybe needing a scrub from the construction)?
The restored vaulted ceiling, clean and white, with new lighting showing it off
A name tablet and the southern end of the platform
A R62A 1 train stops in the station
A fenced off area at the southern end of the downtown platform
The restored arch and tiles on the platform extension
Looking over the railing of the overpass at the vaulted ceiling and restored terra-cotta bases originally used for lighting
The now brightly lit vaulted ceiling (and modern help points) line the restored station, there is still a lot of black specks of gum on the tactile warning strip (that I believe wasn't replaced since a 1998 renovation).
Looking down the Uptown platform
A sign at 181 Street that was put up by mistake for New York-Presbyterian Hospital the hospital is at 168 Street
A nicely restored 181 Street-George Washington Bridge name tablet
The countdown clock, lots of communication ducts and doors that lead to the original station elevator landing
The Emergency Exit door, you have to activate the Help Point to use it
Sign for the Emergency Exit and the nearby help point
Looking up at the vaulted platform ceiling
Looking up at the restored vaulted ceiling past the now closed original overpass bridge to the station exit