The intermediate landing covered in blue plywood walls of the exit from the Downtown platform
The station overpass covered by scaffolding and plywood walls
The remains of the 181 black with white text signs that were put over 181 tiling on the pillars on the extension portion of the platforms
A name tablet at the Downtown end of the station's overpass
Looking across to doors that lead to an abandoned elevator landing on the Uptown platform where the station's original two elevators were
The emergency exit signs and signs for the Customer Assistance intercom on the well gated and closed off staircase to the unused pedestrian bridge
Looking through the mesh at debris inside the construction area
By 2015 as construction is well underway the orange more temporary netting has been replaced by more intense chain link fencing above the Blue plywood bases
From the overpass construction crews are visible repairing the historic arched ceiling
A chandelier undergoing restoration
September 2016 view from the overpass of the restored arch (the platforms look extremely dirty and covered in chewing gum now)
Restored chandeliers
The restored arch where the original vaulted ceiling meets the platform extensions
Looking to the Uptown platform and one of the bricked-up arches that once led to a lower elevator landing
A gutter leading to an on platform drain
A gutter and some tiling and brickwork that still has some work to be done to it