New Jersey Transit Adventures

Heading up to Morristown and Getting More of the Gladstone Branch

After my successful trip a few weeks ago getting a lot more of the Gladstone Branch and Morristown Line done I decide its time to head out to Jersey for another trip to get more (but not finish, it would be a 7 mile walk for the Gladstone Branch done). My plan is to leave […]

New Jersey Transit Adventures

An Early Morning for the waiting rooms of Orange and Brick Church plus out to Convent Station on the Morristown Line and some more on the Gladstone Branch

The benefit of ending daylight savings time this weekend means I wake up much earlier than normal. I’m awake at 7:00 on the new time, a day without anything real on my agenda. I decide its finally time to get more of the Morristown Line and it’s waiting rooms that close ridiculously early, nearly all […]

New Jersey Transit Adventures

Single-Tracking PATH in Newark to ride the NJT Gladstone Branch powered ALP-45DPs including first day of regularly scheduled dual-mode Midtown Direct trains because of weekend track work

I normally don’t bother doing weekend trips, service is less frequent and waiting rooms are closed. The one exception is when weekend service differs from weekday service. I had never ridden anywhere on the Gladstone Branch before, had a friend who could only do the weekend trip and with the current post-Sandy timetables on the […]