Transit Adventures

To Syracuse with a stopover in Amsterdam on the Maple Leaf and Empire Service

I want to be early down to Penn Station so I can have a little bit of time in ClubAcela and I also know that the Maple Leaf is a train that boards 15-20 minutes early. I leave the house at 6:05, just miss the A train and am getting off the subway at Penn […]

Transit Adventures

An Uneventful, Crowded Maple Leaf Ride Up the Hudson to Schenectady

Greetings from the Apostraphoe Cafe and Lounge in Schenectady, New York where I quickly eat a second breakfast during my hour planned layover to photograph the decrepit AmStation. The day started early, on the A train. I left home at 6:20 and at 6:58 was stepping off the A train at Penn Station. I left […]

Winter 2012

To Syracuse via Rochester including peering in on its Abandoned Subway

Greetings from Empire Service Train #280 where I am making a final no stopovers trip back to New York City (making any would have required a call to an Amtrak agent because only 3 can be made online), I am also now in the mood just to get back to New York. The train arrived […]

Winter 2012

A slow 3 tickets Maple Leaf Trip across the boarder from Toronto to Buffalo

107 miles scheduled in almost five hours (average speed 22 mph) is the Maple Leaf I took today from Toronto to Downtown Buffalo. In reality the slowness is because of the boarder crossing and fact the VIA and Amtrak crews switch entirely including all of the food (and menus in the cafĂ© car). It took […]