Rockies Region Transit Adventures

Missed $1 Crucero USA bus, and an early Sunset Limited Through the Night

Greetings from Los Angeles! I apologize for not getting more posts in this entire trip. I was staying in the most social hostels I have ever stayed in, in both Phoenix and San Diego and every time I got my computer out in an attempt to right a blog post I would get distracted in […]

Rockies Region Transit Adventures

Amtrak to Phoenix-the Flying Southwest Chief and a Van Thruway Connection

Greetings from the Fair Trade Café just north of Downtown Phoenix! After the last blog post, my Rail Runner Train arrived at the amazing Belen station parallel to the main, high-speed BNSF transcontinental multi-modal rail line, although rail runner’s single stub track ends and there is fence so trespassers can’t wonder over to the area […]

Rockies Region Transit Adventures

Greetings from the New Mexico Rail Runner!

5:30am Yes I’m currently in Albuquerque (well now a bit north of it), riding the Rail Runner Express (which has wi-fi onboard) got in just about a half hour ago on the night Autobuses Americanos from Colorado Springs and got on the train straight and by the time I take the California Zephyr this afternoon […]