Transit Adventures

A Long Trip Getting More and More of Brooklyn Done

I have gotten the remains of a 7-day Unlimited that expires on Tuesday, so the next couple of days will be extremely busy for me with nothing else to do really this week except continue my massive project of having every NYC Subway Station on this website. My current focus seems to be getting Brooklyn […]

Transit Adventures

A >$10 day-trip to Baltimore – Illegal photos on the Metro, fine on the Light Rail

The fallowing trip I took on Tuesday, June 16, 2009: The idea for this trip basically comes from one night (the 6th of May) to be exact when I was in my dorm room back at college and was trying to figure out if I could get down to Baltimore for the day to photograph […]

Transit Adventures

Some more stations in Midtown and R40Ms and R42s

So today I had to chaperone a neighbor’s kid downtown, and ended up at 57 Street & 6 Avenue, in the center of midtown with nothing to do except wend my home. I decided I was in the mood to get a couple of Manhattan Stations. Getting 5th Avenue & 60 Street seemed a logical […]

Transit Adventures

A Muggy and Rainy Day on Southwestern Brooklyn’s Subways-Finishing off the IND and 4th Avenue Subways

Today I had the benefits of an unlimited ride MetroCard so what else than a nice long railfanning trip beckoned as I continue to get closer and closer to my goal of photos of every subway station. I awoke to an extremely violent thunder storm, one of the first of the summer. It seemed like […]

Transit Adventures

Photographing some underground Subway stations in South Brooklyn

Today I had to go to Brooklyn Hieghts where I was yesterday for lunch. It began with an uneventful ride on the A Train down. Afterwords I decided to try and finish off the IND in Brooklyn, since it was pouring rain, which only consists of the F train’s Culver Subway. I don’t currently have […]

Transit Adventures

Finishing off the Queens IND and my first late night subway adventure of the summer

Today I had quite a long day, first attending the Afternoon’s Yankee Game before some evening rush hour rail fanning as I had some extra time wending my way down to Brooklyn Heights to meet up with friends, before an extremely late (really wee-hours of the morning) subway ride back uptown. Yankee Stadium is a […]

Transit Adventures

Trying to figure out and photographing the maze that is Times Square

Today I was meeting a friend near the Times Square Area in the late afternoon and without an unlimited ride MetroCard at my disposal decided I would try and see if I could figure out Times Square superstation with its various exits, nooks and crannies once and for all, especially now that the stations renovations have been […]

Transit Adventures

Almost Finished off the BMT Eastern Division

Today, I had a nice afternoon trying to finish off the Eastern Division but was cut short by my idiotness by forgetting to charge my camera’s battery, so I’ll have to back to M and L lines for only three more stations, oh well. The first priority of the day was finishing off the Fulton […]

Transit Adventures

The first Railfan trip of summer – starting to finish off the BMT Eastern Division, and IND Fulton St Subway

The first railfan trip of the summer happened today, as well as the first time I took the subway since last January, I’ve been at College in Colorado Springs since then. I had a lunch engagement in Brooklyn Heights, so took the A train down there late this morning, getting of at my old high […]

NYC Subway Transit Adventures

Welcome to Leave No Station Unphotographed!

I’ve just gotten back from an almost two week (twelve days exactly) road trip back from Colorado Springs to New York City, it’s the first time I’m back here since January, taking an extremely circuitous route via Calgary and Edmonton, Canada. I did a station to station of those two systems and now have photos […]