Chicago Transit Adventures

Riding the Green Line out to Oak Park to start a Metra Adventure

This is part 1 of what will be a 3 part series on my February 17th Metra adventures. This past weekend, Louise and I spent in Chicago so Louise could go to a one-day conference on Saturday. I decided to spend the day doing another Metra Weekend Pass adventure. Looking at schedules I realized that […]

Chicago Transit Adventures Website Updates

A Snowy South Shore Line Round-trip to Gary to try and listen to the Rail Rangers

This New Years Weekend, I’m spending alone in cold and snowy South Bend. Louise is still in warm Southern California (I have in my queue a post about this trip with a visit to a unique Amtrak Station) where I was last weekend and will be returning to next weekend. The weather right now has […]

Chicago Transit Adventures

Riding the Milwaukee West Line from Bartlett to Bensonville

I woke up at my hotel room in Eligin West/Dundee (after going on a bike/Metra ride out there on Sunday), getting a bit of a late start (it is a rare Monday off from work after all) and after the usual free hotel breakfast got on my bike and rode to the Big Timber Road […]

Chicago Transit Adventures

A Sunday Metra bike ride – the UP North Line to Ravina, biking across to the Milwaukee North Line to the Milwaukee West Line to Elgin for the Night

This past June 4, 2017 I found myself with a Monday I had to take off from work (working an event the following Saturday), and no plans, my friend Robbie needed to go to Chicago to catch a flight after visiting so I decided to spend the night in a suburban Chicago hotel and try […]

Chicago Transit Adventures

Flying to Maine on the Opening Day of the new Washington/Wabash ‘L’ Station

I booked (expensive) plane tickets on United’s non-stop service to Bangor, Maine a couple of months ago for Louise and I to go to family wedding (and to eat lobsters) on August 31. A few weeks before I was reading up on Chicago ‘L’ happenings and discovered we’d be transiting in downtown Chicago from the […]

Amtrak Chicago Transit Adventures

A Day of Train Spotting: the South Shore in Hudson Lake to Michigan City to the Pere Marquette at Sunset in St. Joe

This trip took place on June 3, 2017 Last month, my one other good railfan friend Robbie was visiting me in South Bend. He arrived on Friday on a 3 hour late Capitol Limited. On Saturday, we rented a car for 24 hours (I still don’t have my own vehicle in South Bend) and we […]

California Transit Adventures

Visiting the ARTIC and riding the Expo Line to the Sea on a quick trip to Dinseyland

About a month ago Louise – a Disneyland fanatic – and I went on a quick 48 hour trip by plane out to Los Angeles to use up two free Dinseyland tickets that we had. What also made the trip possible was an intro promo from Upside a new package deal website that made the […]

Amtrak Transit Adventures

The Sleeper Lousianna to New Orleans for New Years

Well ideally my next post and update would be of the new Second Avenue Subway Stations. Unforchunately the timing of the subway’s opening couldn’t have been poorer, had it opened on a random weekend I may have used it as an excuse to fly east for a weekend visit. Unfortunately it opened on New Years […]

Amtrak Chicago Transit Adventures

Columbus Day Evening in Michigan City

Happy Holidays everyone! I actually stayed in South Bend with my Louise instead of traveling back to New York City.I’ve finally found time for another website update, this one about an adventure to Michigan City to spend the evening rush hour as the sunset photographing South Shore Line trains running down the middle of the […]

New Jersey Transit Adventures

A Four Day Pre-Election Day Trip to New York to Drive to a Wedding on the Jersey Shore

Two weeks ago Louise and I flew back to New York City (her first visit with me) to head down to a weeding on the Jersey Shore in downtown Lakewood New Jersey. When I thought I might be heading down to this Saturday evening wedding alone I thought I might save the money on a […]