Two weeks ago Louise and I flew back to New York City (her first visit with me) to head down to a weeding on the Jersey Shore in downtown Lakewood New Jersey. When I thought I might be heading down to this Saturday evening wedding alone I thought I might save the money on a […]
Author: Jeremiah Cox
A newly formed weekend routine between me and my lady Louise is going to find a cafe/coffee house work in. Me on this website, her on philosophy (she’s a grad student). We also love driving to random places nearby South Bend and this led me to see if any of the farther flung smaller towns […]
This weekend I’m flying back to New York primarily to go to a wedding of some friends on the Jersey Shore. I was looking through my archive for my two primary trips down the shore line 3 years ago: Riding the North Jersey Coast Line all the way to Bay Head, and a North Jersey […]
Last Monday when I was on the train to Milwaukee I felt like doing something mindless on my computer that would help the website. I remembered I had done the writing for some more Harlem Line Stations (I do have a gap, I don’t have photos – I visited the stations once but photos were lost in […]
This past week I spent at a training for work in Milwaukee with a colleague. At my job the assumption is that we’d drive to the training but my boss was willing to let us take the train when I showed him that with the Indiana and Chicago area Toll Road Tolls and and parking […]
Holland & New Buffalo Amtrak Stations
I’ve been trying to get myself on a better and regular website update schedule, but life keeps getting in the way… This update is of two Amtrak Stations taken on different evenings this summer on short day trips from my new home in South Bend by car, both cities in Southwest Michigan have rail stations […]
In this small update (my goal is to get my life in order to try and update the website at least weekly) again, I had a chance to process the Hammond-Whiting–(59 Photos) station that I got on my one real trip into Chicago just to bicycle alone back in June and not be social. I’ve taken […]
Well this post is only two months too late (and just before the next holiday long weekend). Over July 4th Weekend I went on a slightly insane adventure to visit my grandmother in Syracuse. The trip consisted of taking the Lake Shore Limited on Friday night to Rochester, where my parents picked me up in […]
Life has once again (doesn’t it always) gotten in the way of this website, between settling into life in South Bend, making friends, and moving into my permanent apartment that needed furnishing, I did not have as much time as I expected this summer to update this website. It’s definitely time though to bring the […]
On Friday, I found myself with a half-day off I have to take off, and yet again no real weekend plans in my new home of South Bend. I leave the house in the morning bicycling to work (normally I walk the half-hour, biking takes ten minutes, so I could get to the South Shore […]