
Albion and Troy, Michigan Amtrak Stations

In March I had to go to Troy, Michigan for a training, and visited it’s new Amtrak Station (which replaced the Birmingham Station just 1,000 feet north of the new platform) and stopped at Albion for a leg stretch break on the way. One stop is historic, one is super modern! Albion, MI–(33 Photos) Troy, MI–(47 Photos) […]


Metra 27th,47th,51st,53rd Stations

In this update I continue south down the Metra Electric District. There are a few missing holes which I’m going to need to go and fix on future trips to Chicago. For 18th Street was photographed and the photos lost. I’m amazed I’ve gotten a bunch of smaller Metra stops by bike but haven’t gotten […]


Millennium Station, Van Buren St, and Museum Campus

In New York City, two major missing stations are Grand Central and Penn Station, they’ve been on-again off-again projects that I just can’t seem to figure out a good way to fully process and finish. Now that I live in South Bend and ride the South Shore Line (or Amtrak) into Chicago with some regularity […]

Chicago Transit Adventures

Flying to Maine on the Opening Day of the new Washington/Wabash ‘L’ Station

I booked (expensive) plane tickets on United’s non-stop service to Bangor, Maine a couple of months ago for Louise and I to go to family wedding (and to eat lobsters) on August 31. A few weeks before I was reading up on Chicago ‘L’ happenings and discovered we’d be transiting in downtown Chicago from the […]

Amtrak Chicago

Dyer, IN Amtrak and Chicago Amtrak Yards

I haven’t had much of a train summer. I haven’t even been on a non-tourist train since June. I’m also currently transitioning computers, (anyone know what program can display my Aperture 2 Photo library on Windows?) to a new PC desktop from the 2009 MacBook that I’m still working on this website on. There were […]

Amtrak Chicago Transit Adventures

A Day of Train Spotting: the South Shore in Hudson Lake to Michigan City to the Pere Marquette at Sunset in St. Joe

This trip took place on June 3, 2017 Last month, my one other good railfan friend Robbie was visiting me in South Bend. He arrived on Friday on a 3 hour late Capitol Limited. On Saturday, we rented a car for 24 hours (I still don’t have my own vehicle in South Bend) and we […]


Upload: The VTA Winchester Line

In this update I continue south with the (rest) of the VTA’s newest branch the Winchester Line, opened in 2005, it has two single-track sections where the line goes over (more expensive) bridges and doesn’t run at a grade. Race–(18 Photos) Fruitdale–(9 Photos) Bascom–(18 Photos) Hamilton–(15 Photos) Downtown Campbell–(15 Photos) Winchester–(7 Photos) Enjoy


Upload: The Core of the VTA Light Rail

About three years ago I wrote up (and flagged the photos I was going to use) for the entire VTA light rail in San Jose-Santa Clara. The idea was to have an easy ‘churn-able’ website project for a rainy day. Although the weather in South Haven, Southeast Michigan is super nice today, Louise has a […]

California Transit Adventures

Visiting the ARTIC and riding the Expo Line to the Sea on a quick trip to Dinseyland

About a month ago Louise – a Disneyland fanatic – and I went on a quick 48 hour trip by plane out to Los Angeles to use up two free Dinseyland tickets that we had. What also made the trip possible was an intro promo from Upside a new package deal website that made the […]


Parkesburg and Coatesville – two former SEPTA Stations

These two stations I visited on a different Philadelphia Trip down the Keystone Corridor from the previous updates, and I can’t believe it’s been over a month in the making to get such a simple website update. All I can say is I’ve been busy. In this update I present the two Keystone Corridor Main Line […]