Westlake Station was the terminus of the Central Link Light Rail from its opening in 2009 until the University Link opened in 2016. During this time trains continued beyond the station and relayed in the Pine Street stub. This stub was completed between 2004 and 2007 now connects to the University Link.
It also connects to Seattle's two other more obscure transit lines: the monorail built for the 1962 World's Fair and has proposed to be expanded ever since but always stalled, and the South Union Lake Streetcar a modern streetcar line that begins one block north at McGraw Square. The stop's two platform's main features 3 large murlas by murals are by Roger Shimomura, Fay Jones and Gene Gentry McMahon (The full King County Metro page for station artwork).
The stops mezzanine is also full-length and has many entrances to nearby office buildings and shopping malls including some directly into the Westlake Center (a shopping mall) for access to the monorail. Strangely there are only two elevators and two sets of stairs/escalators (like all the other transit tunnel stations) down to the platforms.
Photos 1-10 taken on October 10, 2011; 11-29: October 11, 2011; 30: April 11, 2014; 31-41: October 11, 2022;