Parkrose Sumner


Parkrose Sumner Transit Center is the first stop on the red line's branch and is located in the median of I-205. The stop consists of a single island platform with two canopies along it. Both of these have windscreens along portions of them providing some protection from the wind. These windscreens have blue designs on them and beneath one of them are two steel armchairs designed to be inspired as traveling and the other is a dining room table and chairs for domestic life. These are by Peter Reiquam.
Access to the platform is from the eastern (northern end) where a pedestrian crossing leads across the Airport-bound track and then turns to a ramp to the Fishbird Bridge by Ed Carpenter that forms a unique artistic overpass across the northbound lanes of I-205. (Red Line Art) This leads to the bus bays for five TriMet Lines plus one C-Tran line to Vancouver, WA on the edge of a 193 space park & ride that is between the entrance to the bridge across to the platform and Sandy Blvd.
Photos 1-12 taken on 16 October, 2011; 13-23: May 28, 2024;

These are the signs for the two station platforms, no arrows for them

The benches for the Arport-bound side of the platform are designed to evoke traveling

The ramp to the bridge across I-205 and the station exit

Crossing the Airport-bound track to leave the station

Arriving at the plaza for the entrance to the station where the TVMs are

Looking across the highway to the station

The entrance to the bridge across to the platform

Type 2 LRV #201 stops at Parkrose Sumner in a unique blue livery

A set of TVMs, one is missing, in the Parkrose/Sumner entrance areat

A sign looking a bit dated for the Park & Ride at the Parkrose/Sumner Transit Center

Looking across the entrance plaza to the bridge to the platform in the middle of I-205

A crosswalk between the stations bus looop and parking lot, there is a mixture of enclosed bike boxes and open air bike racks

Looking across the bridge to the Parkrose/Sumner Transit Center

Approaching the ramp at the end of the bridge down to the side of the light rail station

A modern LCD Countdown Clock for the MAX Red Line to Airport in 14 mins
Last Updated: July 13, 2024
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This website is not affiliated with Portland TriMet or any transit provider, their official website is here
This Website is copyright © 2003-2024, Jeremiah Cox. Please do not remote link or copy images from this website without permission.