Stirling is a Gladstone Branch Station with a 6 car low-level platform on the north side of the main line track along the eastern half of the Stirling siding. This platform begins at the grade crossing of Central Avenue/Main Avenue (the street name changes) and runs east. Trains can also stop at Stirling when taking the siding but block the main line because the yellow wooden boarding platform that can line up with one set of doors is nearly back on the mainline at the eastern end of the platform. The only on platform amenity for waiting passengers is a small modern shelter made of grey cinderblocks at the eastern end of the platform (away from the entrance via the grade crossing). Inside are a couple of benches and a TVM. It is in this area that the majority of the 30 parking spaces are in the station's tiny lot (with highway guardrails keeping cars from driving onto the tracks). The parking lot (permit only) is in a park like setting with a large bit of greenery between two one-way driveways into the station (from Central Avenue) and the shelter (one is parallel to the platform).
All Photos taken on 22 November, 2013