Looking down the tracks from the Broadway Bridge at the simple station
View of a derailed garbage train near the station
A side view of the Marble Hill Station from across the Harlem River
Two locomotives on the derailed garbage train that is suspending Hudson Line service today
The green cars of NYC's sanitation and a crane helping
The edge of the Marble Hill Station platform and the green box cars of a city garbage train
The Marble Hill Station and the derailed garbage train and the short section of two track line beyond
Lots of men fixing the tracks later that evening around the derailed garbage train
An evening view with the derailed garbage train beyond
A Metro-North Police Car outside the closed station entrance because of the derailed garbage train
Caution tape closes Marble Hill, there is no train service south of Yonkers because of a garbage train derailment, a bus bridge is operating from Van Courtlandt Park
A normally electric semi-express, using Shoreliners on a Saturday evening stops at Marble Hill, the last door of the 4th car barely platforms
A rare diesel train stopping at Marble Hill closes its doors, operating on a run that can normally be covered by an electric train
P32AC-DM #204 Pushes a Semi-Express south
P32AC-DM #204 leaves
P32AC-DM #204 curves out of Marble Hill to follow the Hudson
A platform sign odd fence, a bridgeplate and the narrow staircase to street and the exit at the front of the platform
P32AC-DM #217 leads an approaching northbound diesel train that will skip the station