The Charles/MGH Station is the last on the Red Line in Boston before it crosses the Charles River above ground on the Longfellow Bridge and enters Cambridge running right in between the lanes of traffic. The Charles Station's two side platforms have single entrances at their eastern (inbound) ends at glass passageways where a staircase/escalator case and an elevator leads down to the stops roomy and glass covered station house where passengers must turn 180 degrees to reach the faregates situated between the two staircases and the doors out to Pleasure Road directly beneath the station and the large complicated highway intersection that leads onto the Longfellow Bridge. There are also emergency exits before the faregates and even a wall that can come up like a garage door I guess to let construction equipment into the station. The platforms have modern canopies and walls that have maroon tiles on them and little windows, on the opposite end of the platform the two cars farthest from the entrance stop on a section with just a green fence.
Photos 1-35 taken on 27 June, 2011, 36-50 on 22 August, 2013