Looking across at the former concrete incline used by Green Line trains to reach their elevated structure. The elevated structure is gone, this is what remains
The tunnel for pedestrians through the former concrete incline structure is still usable just no more trains overhead
The end of the old concrete viaduct and new guideway that looks a lot more like a concrete highway guideway than the older steel guideway
A Tree outside the historic guideway, with the new guideway in the distance
A faded sign for Trolley and Accessible in the tunnel, not accurate anymore
Sign for Inbound To Boston Trolley, under a sign for CambridgeSide (a nearby mall), plus a summer sign for the Museum of Science
Bus Route 80 leaves the original covered busway
A 6mph sign at the entrance of the covered busway, once used by trolleys and later trackless trolleys
Looking out to the former Inbound Green Line station building, the building remains, all tracks are gone, contractors’ cars parked in the former yard
Looking through a fence at the former Inbound Green Line station building, and modern buildings beyond
The former Drop-Off platform (still a yellow line) no tracks for former discharging Green Line trolleys
Benches inside the covered bus exit area and stops to O'Brien Highway
A small booth and Map of Area bus service, inside the historic covered brick bus loop
A dump tuck outside the historic bus loop area
Sign for O'Brien Hwy at a station exit.
A dump truck outside the Lechmere brick station bus loop
A sign for the GLX Constructors: The contractor for the Green Line extension using parts of the old station for employee parking that I assume demolished the former trackbed
The back of a bus in the historic bus shed
Fencing outside the bus shed
Looking across O'Brien Highway at the historic station building