A 23 clad in tiling platform column holding up a lower beam
A generic 23 Street sign between two historic looking terra cotta beams
Sign for the new Elevator to Street and 23 Street & Park Avenue South
MVMs, no more token booth in the quite wide Downtown on platform fare control area
A small closed off area on one side of the Downtown platforms main entrance
The lower landing of the downtown platform elevator and alternative travel information Go to Bleecker Street, hope the Uptown platform elevator is working or take the M1 bus
The elevator door opens to street
View of the sign for the station manager and downtown platform entrance, with just MVMs no token booth
The elevator has doors at 90-degree angles
The Downtown platform elevator covered by scaffolding
A street view of the Uptown platform elevator and nearby staircase (that was relocated for the elevator)
The uptown platform's glass with a canopy elevator
The new uptown platform staircase and the elevator beyond
Sign for Uptown & The Bronx 6 and a gate to close this entrance, most subway entrances don't have gates to close them off
Arriving to the pink brick walled Uptown platform's large fare control area in front of the glass of the elevator
The MVMs and historic looking platform wall on the Uptown platform mezzanine
The historic picture of 23 Street and Uptown platform elevator up to the street
New clad in metal tiled columns and the elevator to Exit and Street