Whisman is a light rail station that directly serves transit oriented low-lying apartment developments on each side of the tracks. The station is the last stop on the Mountain View Line with two tracks becoming one for the Evelyn Station before becoming two again for Mountain View. The station has a single island platform with two green canopy structures along the platform. Access to the platform is provided at each end. At the west end is a pedestrian crossing with slam gates that leads to Pacific Drive parallel to the north side of the tracks and an entrance directly into the housing development along the south side. The eastern end leads to a driveway complete with a crossing gate.
All Photos taken on 12 June, 2013

LRV #984 and a two LRV train leave

LRV #984 for Winchester leaves

LRV #984 for Winchester keeps leaving

There are two shelters on this platform

Looking across a fence to the platform and a TOD behind it

Across from one of the canopies

This entrance is just a pedestrian grade-crossing

Looking down towards the station from the next grade-crossing
Last Updated: 2 July, 2014
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This section reflects VTA service patterns that are no longer accurate. Light Rail trains began operating on new routes and service patterns effective December 28, 2019. See the VTA Website for details
This website is not allifiated with the Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority, there official website is here, or any other transit provider
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