Japantown/Ayer is the first stop on the light rail's first extension from Civic Center into Downtown San Jose and ending at the Convention Center and opened on June 17, 1988. The station consists of a single island platform in the middle of North 1 Street that runs between the intersections of Rankin Avenue at its northern end to Hawthorne Way at its southern end. The ends of the platforms are a bit away from these crosswalks a gradual concrete sidewalk ramp (with no railings) leads down to each entrance. The platforms have a framework of blue extra wide lamppost structures that extend to two small blue with translucent roofs canopy structures at each end of the station.
All Photos: 20 February, 2012

LRV #939B, a single car for Winchester leaves the station

LRV #939B leaves the station

LRV #939B leaves passing a ramp down to a crosswalk

A smaller canopy covers TVMs

Use the crosswalk and not get hit by the train

A pillar and walkway to a station crosswalk

LRV #913B for Santa Teresa approaches

LRV #913B for Santa Teresa enters

The blur of LRV #913B entering
Last Updated: 28 May, 2017
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This section reflects VTA service patterns that are no longer accurate. Light Rail trains began operating on new routes and service patterns effective December 28, 2019. See the VTA Website for details
This website is not allifiated with the Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority, there official website is here, or any other transit provider
This Website is copyright © 2003--2025, Jeremiah Cox. Please do not remote link or copy images from this website without permission. Contact the webmaster