59 Street
53 Street
8 Avenue
36 Street
Bay Ridge Av
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Broadway-Sea Beach Express<59 Street
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Queens Blvd-Broadway-4th Avenue Local<59 Street

59 Street, is an express stop on the BMT 4th Avenue Subway. South of the station, after universal crossovers between the Express and Local tracks, the N train and the Sea Beach Line curve away from the subway, becoming the express tracks, the local tracks continue father south as a two-track subway south to Bay Ridge.

The station has two island platforms and two exits, each on their own small mezzanines. Both station walls have mosaic trim lines at the top of the white tiles that spell out 59th Street at various intervals, but is extremely faint and a bit hard to read. Both platforms also have two sets along each track of I-beam columns that are painted yellow, both mezzanines also have there original trim lines along their walls.

At the extreme southern end of the platforms are single staircases up from each platform to an unsaffed High Entrance/Exit turnstile exit on a small mezzanine, these lead out to to streetstairs up to eitherside of 4th Avenue just north of 60th Street.

The full time exit is towards the northern end of the platform and there are two staircases up from each platform, to a small mezzanine area, short secondary staircases lead up to small intermediate landings before leading to two staircases out each side of 4th Avenue. One set of staircases leads to the NE and NW corners of 4th Avneue and 60th Street, a second staircase leads out to the sidewalk in the opposite direction, just to the north. with exits to corners of 4th Avenue and 59 Street. At the top of the pairs of staircases down to each platform are mosaic signs that say Downtown for the Bay Ridge/Coney Island-bound platform and Uptown for the Manhattan-bound platform. The reverse of the standard geographical Manhattan uptown/downtown directions.

ADA Accessible Update: On November 9, 2020, 59 Street became an accessible station. A new elevator was installed near the NW corner of 4th Avenue, replacing the second streetstair, with the remaining streetstair (closest to the corner) being widened. Two additional platform elevators were installed connecting the mezzanine down to each platform. The elevators are right in front of nicely uncovered and restored mosaics, including one that says Down Town Trains for Manhattan & Queens, which is accurate, but not the way people think of Uptown/Downtown on a Manhattan-centric basis normally.
Photos 1-13: June 9, 2009; 14-15: November 5, 2012; 16-40: September 25, 2023;

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Home<New York<NYC Subway<
Broadway-Sea Beach Express<59 Street
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Queens Blvd-Broadway-4th Avenue Local<59 Street
NYC Subway
on the SubwayNut

Last Updated: December 28, 2023
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