Transit Adventures

An Add-on day trip to Philly via the Keystone, doing the Fox Chase Line a Keystone points run from Downington and BoltBus back

Today I did another points run and more SEPTA stations trip to Philadelphia that I put onto my itinerary back from via Keystone Train Syracuse. It was a $10 addition. Im running late, and leave the house at 8:45. I get off the A train at Penn Station at 9:12. At 9:17 I’m entering the […]

Amtrak Transit Adventures

Springfield is Here! plus a points run on early #236 from Yonkers down to Penn Station

Greetings from the ClubAcela in Penn Station where I’ve arrived after completing a YNY-NYP points run on the first Empire Service Train of the day to stop at Yonkers #236 to set up my day-trip to Philadelphia tomorrow and enjoy a second breakfast before a noon time appointment in midtown. First I’ve rebuilt, and added […]

Transit Adventures

An Relaxing Relatively Empty Empire Service Ride back from Syracuse with a nice hour in Hudson

I drive to the station arriving at 10:05 with my grandmother and we try the new parking lot situation. You have to take a ticket, you get an hour free and now the price is a steep $7 per day. Parking used to be basically free (maybe $10 for up to 30 days). I walk […]

Transit Adventures

The Scenic #449 Lake Shore Limited through the Berkshires to a 2 Hour Rensselaer Layover and a Musical Ride on 48/448 onto Syracuse

This is the Flagship Post of my To SYR via SPG Trip! The freight train that entered with a caboose leading has backed into the station stops like its a passenger train, not blocking the passenger crossing. Hear a whistle at 2:33 that same freight train is now blocking views of the Lake Shore soon […]

Transit Adventures

Springfield Shuttle Train #470 to a great layover at the half abandoned and historic Union Station

Greetings from the Amtrak platform where I post via some AmtrakConnect wifi from the Shuttle Train I arrived on a few hours in the station that hasn’t moved and is still idling in the station. After getting off Regional #170 I walk up the platform to my waiting 2 car shuttle train that looks very […]

Transit Adventures

Walking to Fordham to a 10 minute late Metro-North train to just a 6 minute layover to New Rochelle for Northeast Regional Train #176

Greetings from New Haven, Connecticut Where I wait for Shuttle Train #470 to leave at its scheduled departure time of 10:30, starting my actual day of traveling after two days of points runs to begin a three train day on a Northeast Regional, Shuttle to Springfield and the Lake Shore Limited to Syracuse I go […]

Superstorm Sandy Transit Adventures

South Ferry Loop Station Reopened and a Half-Hour Delay and Boarding Announcement Adventure in Penn Station as I continue my Points Run to New Rochelle

My stop on my way downtown today is to visit South Ferry on my way to my internship in Brooklyn. I don’t feel like dealing with the 1 train and the elevators at its 181 Street stop so I get on the A train down to 59th Street. I just make a connection to the […]

New Jersey Transit Adventures

Starting the stations of the North Jersey Coast Line: the Amboys to Hazlet to an AGR Points run home on a Regional and Keystone, beginning my To SYR via SPG trip

On Friday I’m making one of my regular trips to Syracuse to visit my grandmother. This time though I’m going a very unusual route via Springfield to finally ride the Lake Shore Limited through the Berkshires. I was able to plan this trip two weeks in advance to get the Northeast Regional 25% discount which […]