Netherwood is a Raritan Valley Line stop with two 5 car low-level side platforms along the two track line with a fence running between them. The station is built into a hill so it looks like from the High Bridge-bound side the station is on an embankment but on the Newark-bound side things look normal. The platforms (clearly because of the length of the underpass between them and the fact the depot is set so far back) were either once islands or moved when the central express tracks became the only tracks as there were originally four here on the mainline of the CNJ. The two platforms are connected by a pedestrian tunnel with green walls and a curved white ceiling. It connects with two staircases up to the Newark-bound end but on the High Bridge-bound end simply comes through what looks like the embankment as an underpass with a staircase directly up to that platform and a walkway to the parking lot. The steep downhill is planted with grass and also has a feature of landscaped hedges. The High Bridge-bound platform has one more staircase down to its parking lot which can accommodate 100 cars for $3 a day or $35 a month. The only entrance is through this parking lot to North Avenue. The only other amenity is a single bus shelter for waiting in.
The New York-bound platform has the historic station built in 1894 and the historical sign for it says: "designed in the combined styles of Richardson Romanesque, with bold masonry massing and deeply-recessed rectangular windows, and the Queen Anne, with a steeply-pitched slate hipped roof, projecting round bay window, projecting dormer half-timbering and a hipped dormer on the track side." The binuilding is unfortunately abandoned but looks to be in decent shape with fake windows painted on where boards cover up the holes where there should be real windows. The roof extends to provide canopies on each side of the building and these cover benches and TVMs, providing the only shelter for Newark-bound passengers. Behind the depot is this platform entrance through another small parking lot with 60 spaces and a nice plaza of green between the few parking spaces before it exits to South Avenue.
All Photos taken on 1 February, 2012