Paso Robles, CA
Photos Page 2
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The Coast Starlight fades of into the distance
Exit ramp at the northern end of the platform
Looking into the station's parking lot
A washing machine is randomly outside one of the businesses along the platform
This vine covered entrance between two of the buildings of Historic Depot plaza
One of the unique blue with white text Paso Robles platform signs
This tiny portion of the historic depot is two stories
One side of the depot
The station entrance from the platform
The little restroom building at the northern end of the platform
The wheelchair lift enclosure at the northern end of the platform
Sign for the minimal TIGER funded station improvements
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Paso Robles, CA
Photos Page 2
Last Updated: 25 March, 2011
This website is not affiliated with Amtrak California, their official website is
, A source I have used countless times while compiling this section is
Amtrak's Great American Stations
as well as
where all historical train information comes from.
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