Winter 2012

A Great time in Yosemite and 3 more down the San Joaquin Valley

Greetings from the San Joaquin (posting via its wi-fi) as I ride into the sunset and then darkness from Hanford down to Bakersfield where I’ll transfer to the Amtrak bus down to L.A, for the night. This morning began in Midpines where I took the one morning YARTS bus down at 6:20am, after the ten […]

Winter 2012

Down to MDP visiting every San Joaquin city along the way!

Greetings from the Midpines, CA (MDP) Amtrak Thruway Bus (operated by YARTS) Stop! Yes I am spending the night directly at this stop since it is located at the entrance to the driveway of the Yosemitti Bug Youth Hostel whose stop location is described as being at the Hostel on Amtrak’s website (with the ridiculous […]