Amtrak Boston Transit Adventures

The Needham MBTA Commuter Rail Line to Acela Express First Class – The Final 231 miles in 3 hours 35 minutes

This post is the second half of 433 Miles on 3 Coastal Trains Home From Rockland, Maine To get home the final jaunt down the coast from Boston, the 12:10pm Acela in First Class at the low-bucket $109 price is too tempting to pass up with 4 First Class upgrade coupons I might as well use […]

Transit Adventures

A Boston and Downeaster to Exeter Day-Trip from Wickford Junction aboard MBTA Commuter Rail

For my one full day staying in Rhode Island on Local Trains to Boston and Vermont me and Robbie decided to park at the new Wickford Junction Station (so RIPTA buses serve his beach house) and take MBTA Commuter Rail to head into Boston for a day trip of Downeaster and MBTA Riding. I did look […]

Transit Adventures

A Trolleybus to decrypted Commuter Rail Stations along the Mass Pike to a Commuter Rail ride to the historic and beautifully restored Worcester Union Station — back from Boston via the Inland Route, stopping at Union Stations (Part 1)

Amtrak traditionally ran one or two New York to Boston trains per day via Springfield, know as the inland route, the last regularly scheduled train (last Sunday for example, Amtrak ran a couple emergency trains via the  inland route with the costal route closed due to a derailment near New Haven) ran in 2004. Today there is […]

Amtrak Boston

Upload: A Small Portion of MBTA Commuter Rail

Well I finally figured out how I am going to do transfers with a second table next to the station banner between subway and commuter rail and subway to subway, although these links will be dead for the short time being until I finish off the downtown stations, red, and orange lines. In this update […]