NYC Subway

The Grand Central Subway Station is here (only with 2011 and earlier photos)

Getting the subway stations at Grand Central up to my website is something I’ve been trying to finish for quite a long time. It was one of those stations that two years ago I had mostly written but then got frustrated with trying to figure out the exact entrances to the Lexington Avenue station. This […]

Metro-North Transit Adventures

The Grand Central Centennial Parade of Trains

Today I attended (along with an estimated 40,000 other people, five times more than Metro-North expected, Didn’t Realize Trains are that popular!) Grand Central’s parade-of-trains. Yesterday I was in the area already had luckily made a round-trip on the Nostalgia SMEE Shuttle train yesterday (on track 1 using R15 #6239, R12 #5760, and R33WF #9306) […]