The rediculous title of this post is of the rediculous number of modes of transit I took during this weekend trip, the only modes ridden twice and backtracking was the round-trip flights on Continental Airlines and the Denver Airport Subway. Well as soon as I had settled into Colorado I had to fly back east […]
Tag: Airline
“Why is this bus late? People have to get to work, flights to make! It was never late last week when you were on vacation!” -An Irate Regular Rider on the 8:45pm departure of RTD SkyRide Route AB, running a half-hour to 45 minutes late Well, this morning I finally arrived back at my parents’ […]
Well, I meant to make website updates while I was in Chicago, but the business of my trip there, visiting relatives and a quick CTA trip at the end of it prevented me from really having any free time to make any website updates, I’ve also barely had time to sleep, much less be online […]