Transit Adventures

An Icy Lincoln’s Birthday Ride on the Aidrondack to Montreal for the Ocean to Halifax

Yes, I’m a bit behind (again). This Trip was taken on Lincoln’s Birthday (February 12) to start The Cold Ocean Not Quite to Halifax Introduction: Lincoln’s Birthday, this year the Thursday before Presidents Day is still observed by New York State and CUNY, meaning without any real Friday obligations I can have a five-day weekend. […]

Transit Adventures

Home from Saint-Lambert, a nice ride on the Ocean View

For my trip home I decided to book my ticket from Saint-Lambert so I can get pictures of the dome car entering and also because I’m curious about the state of the station since I visited it a year ago just a few days before the ticket office closed and was supposedly replaced by a […]

Transit Adventures

Up to Montreal enjoying Ocean View after seeing TSA Screening all Baggage Boarding in Albany

The day of my main Adirondack trip on Train #69 going the entire distance from NYP to MTL arrives. I leave the house a little after 7:15 and I am on a crowded morning rush hour A train at 7:25. I get off at Penn Station at 7:55 and have to stand in line behind […]

Transit Adventures

A Stormy: SYR-UCA-(ALB)-HUD-YNY aboard 2 On Time Empire Service Trains & the Lake Shore Limited to Hudson, NY ending on The 2 hour late Adirondack due to Downed Trees and Signals

For my trip home from Syracuse, I want to make a second photo essay visit to Utica and maximize AGR point.With another weekend trip (by car) over Columbus Day Weekend, I realize a second day-trip down to Philly on Wednesday (I work Tuesday and Thursday) will be way too much for me. With the Lake […]

Superstorm Sandy

Train #68 south through the Sunset with an uneventful cross-platform transfer at Albany

The southbound finally is visible at 3:08, there is a crowd of about 15 people boarding and for some reason the crew is insisting on scanning all of us on the platform. This gives me time to get a few photos of the Park car in the station, Evangeline Park, the Park car I realize […]

Superstorm Sandy

A Chatty VIA Park Car Ride North to Port Henry on Adirondack #69

This is the second post (Post 1) in a multi-part series about a going home from Syracuse via Port Henry on the Adirondack to run the VIA equipment borrowed by Amtrak over Thanksgiving to provide an increase in capacity after Superstorm Sandy. I get on the Adirondack and start chatting with one railfan who’s is […]

Transit Adventures

A Bus Fares Adventure getting to Saint-Lambert for the Domed Adirondack South to a layover at Fort Edward and Actually Getting Questioned at the Border

This morning started way too early, around 2:00am someone came into the hostel room and switched the light on. This totally woke me up and I spent the rest of the night tossing and turning not getting a full nights sleep. I went downstairs to the hostels underground kitchen around 6:30 (the hostel doesn’t have […]

Transit Adventures

A Chatty, Scenic and Domed Adirondack Ride North

At 7:10 I left the house (5 minutes earlier than normal, but I didn’t know how long the customs formalities would take). The A train arrived before I had a chance to walk the length of the platform and at 7:35 I was getting off at Penn Station. I went straight to the Amtrak concourse, […]

Transit Adventures

The Scenic Adirondack to the namesake and old Ferry Champlain (across its namesake lake) to Burlington

I track the Adirondack using my technology and notice it has arrived in Albany 25 minutes late. I unfortunately have no idea how long the engine change will actually take so I return to Schenectady station at about 11:17. I don’t want to wander away further since I don’t know how long the engine change […]