Transit Adventures

Acela Express First Class vs. Fung Wah Bus, The Rundown

Well I’ve been having hard drive problems with my small portable hard drives (one is corrupted, one has the connection loose) accessing my photo archive which is why I have had such a long lull on updates. I did though go on an Amtrak points run two days ago, this past Wednesday, which I booked […]

Transit Adventures

An Evening Fung Wah Ride Back from Boston, Just 22 minutes slower!

I then have to decide how I’m getting back. I have two options, the Cheapest presently all rail option, the Commuter Rail ‘Local’: MBTA Commuter Rail to Providence ($10) to a quick Regional jaunt ($21 current fare) to Shore Line East ($8.50) to Metro-North ($11.50) to Fordham: $51, $2 more than the Amtrak discount (14 […]

Transit Adventures

A 4 Hour Full Stomach, and Hydrated Ride on Acela Express First Class from Newark to Boston

The First Class car has one door at its far end by the currently rear locomotive. The attendant comes out, checking our tickets telling us “She has one getting off”. I and and a group of 3 businesspeople board in Newark, along with the Amtrak cop who is walking through the first class car before […]

Transit Adventures Website Updates

PATH to Newark for the Acela Express to Boston (to get a better seat). Plus the adventure for the agents processing my First Class Upgrade

The trip begins the morning before, I was up anyway finishing something and decided I might as well call at 12:30am exactly to confirm my upgrade with my Select coupon (Select coupons let you confirm an upgrade 12 hours in advance, S+ coupons are 48 hours). I call the priority Select number on my (no […]