Amtrak Boston Transit Adventures

The Needham MBTA Commuter Rail Line to Acela Express First Class – The Final 231 miles in 3 hours 35 minutes

This post is the second half of 433 Miles on 3 Coastal Trains Home From Rockland, Maine To get home the final jaunt down the coast from Boston, the 12:10pm Acela in First Class at the low-bucket $109 price is too tempting to pass up with 4 First Class upgrade coupons I might as well use […]

Transit Adventures

New York to Bangor via Acela First Class and Concord Coach Lines (almost the Downeaster Too except for a delay)

This trip is caused by someone needing to drive my Grandmother back from Maine, the job that was the main cause of my Downeaster to the Cape Flyer Trip a little less than a month ago. My original thoughts for the trip were to wend my way up Maine over two days spending the night […]

Transit Adventures

Home From Cape Cod in High-Speed Luxury: The Provincetown IV to Acela Express First Class

Introduction: Today is my day to head home from this Downeaster to the CapeFlyer Trip in High Speed Luxury: the Bay State Ferry Company’s Provincetown High Speed Ferry leaving at 3:00pm to the last Acela Express train of the evening, leaving at 5:20 using an upgrade coupon for first class travel. The day begins with […]

Transit Adventures

An Visa Emegency Trip to Boston via Acela Express (Business Class, because I don’t carry upgrade coupons with me) for a Cousin with a 10 minute run-by/mechanical stop in Brandford and the Conductor Letting Commuters Ride BBY-BOS for Free

Greetings from Boston where I made an unexpected (didn’t even go home first) trip to deliver a relatives passport so she can make her flight to India tonight! This trip began at about 10:00am this morning. I am getting off the subway in Brooklyn going to my internship this morning when I get a bunch […]

Transit Adventures

A 4 Hour Full Stomach, and Hydrated Ride on Acela Express First Class from Newark to Boston

The First Class car has one door at its far end by the currently rear locomotive. The attendant comes out, checking our tickets telling us “She has one getting off”. I and and a group of 3 businesspeople board in Newark, along with the Amtrak cop who is walking through the first class car before […]

Transit Adventures Website Updates

PATH to Newark for the Acela Express to Boston (to get a better seat). Plus the adventure for the agents processing my First Class Upgrade

The trip begins the morning before, I was up anyway finishing something and decided I might as well call at 12:30am exactly to confirm my upgrade with my Select coupon (Select coupons let you confirm an upgrade 12 hours in advance, S+ coupons are 48 hours). I call the priority Select number on my (no […]