This post is the second half of 433 Miles on 3 Coastal Trains Home From Rockland, Maine To get home the final jaunt down the coast from Boston, the 12:10pm Acela in First Class at the low-bucket $109 price is too tempting to pass up with 4 First Class upgrade coupons I might as well use […]
Category: Boston
This post is part 1 of 2 of 433 Miles on 3 Coastal Trains Home From Rockland, Maine We leave our house at about 10:10, so I can drive the first 48 miles down Route 1 to Searsport to start my long coastal journey. As we near Searsport we we pass a railroad track and […]
Greetings from my extended family’s house in Downeast Maine, on the mainland near Acadia National Park. I’m here because I drove my Brooklyn grandmother up from New York and we stopped to visit my Great Uncle in Manchester by the Sea–(43 Photos) where I did a photo essay of the commuter rail station. Yes I […]
This past weekend I was in Boston for the third straight year mainly for what is turning into an annual pre-Christmas visit by car from New York with my family to see extended family. This year though I found myself with Saturday afternoon completely free because my parents each had a different old friend they […]
This update isn’t much, just the rest of my Wickford Junction to Exeter Round-Trip Day last month: Exeter, NH–(54 Photos) North Station–(23 Photos)–Including a Pull-Pull Train with a P42 under the Boston Graden South Station–(8 Photos) Back Bay–(18 Photos) Wickford Jct, RI–(50 Photos) Enjoy!
After getting the major Chicago stuff up I finally got my photos up from a couple hours doing the Boston T last month on my Wickford Junction to Exeter Round-Trip, the photos I’m most happy about getting is doing the airport station mostly justice (didn’t want to spend another fare there and didn’t leave, maybe […]
I’ve finally gotten all my photos uploaded from my Downeaster to the CapeFlyer Trip. First the Amtrak stations in Maine and North Station from my Downeaster Trip: Brunswick, ME–(29 Photos added) Freeport, ME–(47 Photos) Portland, ME–(10 Photos added) North Station–(10 Photos) North Station (Green Line)–(2 Photos) From the Cape Flyer Day! Boston-South Station–(19 Photos) Hyannis–(63 Photos) Enjoy!
Today is the second highlight of my Downeaster to CapeFlyer Trip, riding the CapeFlyer out to Hyannis and connecting to the P & B Bus to Wellfleet. The day begins with me and my grandmother having an uneventful drive in from Needham on a Sunday Morning, it takes about 20 minutes and we arrive at […]
Well I finally finished my upload from my quick trip to Boston (Springfield I’m holding since I will have a two hour layover there in less than two weeks) and lets start with the three new stations, first with the gem: Worcester-Union Station – (106 Photos!) West Newton – (33 Photos) Newtonville – (29 Photos) I also made […]
This morning I was reading the New York Times over my breakfast and found an article about the last Amtrak Station I ever thought would have an article written about it Birmingham-Troy, MI, there is a summery of the article now on the updated station page. Today I also finished the Green Line’s ‘C’ Branch: […]