Chicago Transit Adventures Website Updates

A Snowy South Shore Line Round-trip to Gary to try and listen to the Rail Rangers

This New Years Weekend, I’m spending alone in cold and snowy South Bend. Louise is still in warm Southern California (I have in my queue a post about this trip with a visit to a unique Amtrak Station) where I was last weekend and will be returning to next weekend. The weather right now has […]


Upload: Metra Milwaukee West through Mars

It’s been a busy December but this bitterly cold New Years Weekend I’m alone in South Bend so I’m hoping to get lots of website updates (focus in on Metra with a little Amtrak thrown in), since going to Chicago to go on transit adventures feels a bit unwise. To start: On Halloween 2011, I […]

Chicago Transit Adventures

Riding the Milwaukee West Line from Bartlett to Bensonville

I woke up at my hotel room in Eligin West/Dundee (after going on a bike/Metra ride out there on Sunday), getting a bit of a late start (it is a rare Monday off from work after all) and after the usual free hotel breakfast got on my bike and rode to the Big Timber Road […]

Chicago Transit Adventures

A Sunday Metra bike ride – the UP North Line to Ravina, biking across to the Milwaukee North Line to the Milwaukee West Line to Elgin for the Night

This past June 4, 2017 I found myself with a Monday I had to take off from work (working an event the following Saturday), and no plans, my friend Robbie needed to go to Chicago to catch a flight after visiting so I decided to spend the night in a suburban Chicago hotel and try […]


The other end of the UP Lines – The Ogilvie Transportation Center and Clybourn

In addition to the last Kenosha Update, in this update I have a page for the UP Line’s Chicago Terminus and the first stop on the UP North and Northwest Lines which has a very strange platform arrangement: Ogilvie Transportation Center–(28 Photos) Clybourn–(47 Photos)    Enjoy!  


Kenosha Metra and Streetcar

I’m on a bit of a Metra Binge right now, trying to get every Metra station I’ve photographed up on the web, some with a narrative. On Sunday, October 3o, 2011 on a Weekend Day Pass I headed up to Kenosha for a few hours to ride the streetcar, it was raining so not too […]


Metra Electric Local Stops 87th Street to 107th Street

  This update is the final five Metra Electric local stops that I’ve photographed (next bike season my top priority for Metra bike rides is finishing the South Shore Line and Metra Electric Service): 87th St./Woodruff–(30 Photos) 91st St./Chesterfield–(25 Photos) 95th St./Chicago State University–(24 Photos) 103rd St./Rosemoor–(16 Photos) 107th Street–(23 Photos) Enjoy!  


63rd St Metra, and starting the small single flag stops: 75th-Grand Crossing, 79th St-Chatham, 83rd St-Avalon Park

  In addition to finishing the South Chicago Branch, I’ve also visited what I feel is an impressive number (partially by bike, partially by walking/CTA buses) of the small Metra platforms on the mainline from 63rd Street (a slightly larger stop with two platforms) south. Here is a start: 63rd Street–(23 Photos) 75th St./Grand Crossing–(17 […]


All Stations on the Metra South Chicago Branch

The Metra Electric South Chicago branch, feels like a line that should be more of an urban light rail line with frequent service since it runs at a grade and in some street medians through South Side Chicago neighborhoods than a Commuter Rail line with trains just hourly during off-peak hours (and infrequent Sunday and […]


Driving to Columbus, OH via Waterloo, and Bryan

I drove to Columbus, OH a few weeks ago to visit relatives. On the way there I went a slightly more circuitous route via US-6 (there’s no all on superhighways route to Columbus, OH from South Bend anyway), to make two Amtrak station stops within 25 miles of each other: Waterloo–(53 Photos)   Bryan–(30 Photos) […]