Having a relatively quiet Presidents Day Weekend (a good thing for the website’s stations). Here are the next three stations continuing up Caltrain: Hayward Park–(20 Photos) Hillsdale–(25 Photos) Belmont–(24 Photos) Enjoy!
Author: Jeremiah Cox
I’ve had a chance to finish a few more Caltrain Stations, continuing up the line: San Carlos–(34 Photos) Redwood City–(33 Photos) Atherton–(29 Photos) Menlo Park–(46 Photos) Enjoy!
Well, one county of Caltrain stations is fully on (Santa Clara), two more to go (San Manteo and the City and County of San Francisco) and I’m basically half-way through this system! Palo Alto–(59 Photos) Stanford (Stadium)–(18 Photos)-Special Events Only California Ave.–(59 Photos) San Antonio–(34 Photos) Full disclosure: I edited typed up my summaries over […]
Well I’m slightly lying in that update, I’m still missing Sacramento and Davis but those stations should be done in the next few day. I can’t believe though that I’ve set foot on every California Zephyr train platform west of Provo. That is a distance of 875 miles! I will admit that all of the […]
Caltrain up to Mountain View
I’ve had a chance to finish three more Caltrain Stations, continuing north up the Peninsula Branch, this evening: Mountain View–(68 Photos)–A Combined Station Section with the Downtown Mountain View VTA Light Rail Sunnyvale–(27 Photos) Lawrence–(36 Photos) Enjoy!
Update: Caltrain Down to Gilroy
With this update, Caltrain from Santa Clara South is now complete (and every stop passed by the Coast Starlight between Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area): Morgan Hill–(40 Photos) San Martin–(45 Photos) Gilroy–(57 Photos) Enjoy!
Updates to the website are going to become relatively few and far between again, I’ve just started graduate school in Urban Planning at Hunter College and have finally really gotten busy again. My hope is to get something up on the web 1 or 2 times per week. Here is this weeks little update, including […]
I have been blogging the past few days, but all the posts have been back-dated to the day I actually did that portion of my adventure on my trip. I’ve finally getting my back-log of posts up now that I’m back in New York after finishing my Skiing to Sun trip. Remember that a bunch […]
Flight Decision: When I looked at and booked my flight home about a month ago I had the option of flying a Delta non-stop to JFK or a United non-stop to Newark both at about the same convenient midday times for the same $150 one-way. My New York Airport preferences are LGA, followed by JFK, then […]
I need to from Tucson to Phoenix and unforchunately the cheapest way to do this is a 2 hour bus ride on Greyhound. The schedule I want also stops in Mesa and I ask and find out from my friend in Tempe that Mesa is much closer and I buy a ticket there (it will […]