Greetings from my extended family’s house in Downeast Maine, on the mainland near Acadia National Park.
I’m here because I drove my Brooklyn grandmother up from New York and we stopped to visit my Great Uncle in Manchester by the Sea–(43 Photos) where I did a photo essay of the commuter rail station. Yes I did get there using the means of travel I don’t really enjoy, by car. Yes, your webmaster has a license (from the State of Colorado, I wouldn’t pass a New York State road test).
Introduction to my (Nearly All) Train Trip Home Starting Tomorrow:
Tomorrow, I return from Maine (on a two day jaunt). I will be starting my train journey on the rails from Rockland, 56 miles west of where I started my train trip last year after driving my grandmother on the Downeaster’s then-new extension in Brunswick. Yes, I’m finally taking a tourist railway, the Maine Easter Railroads, Mid-Coast Limited. I am though riding it on a one-way ticket for a real transportation related ride. As of this season it now connects in Brunswick directly with the Downeaster (with only a half-hour layover) and that’s the ride I will do. I will continue to Boston tomorrow evening, spend the night with my relatives in Needham and have a fast trip back to New York on the Noon-ish Acela Express using one of my upgrade coupons to enjoy a first class lunch and end the trip on that high note. Right now I’m dithering about spending the $9 to upgrade to business class on the Downeaster (I’d get at a soda out of it).
Stay tuned for my 433 miles of intercity rail travel (plus 34 Concord Coach Lines and 48 Car miles) home from way Downeast Maine starting tomorrow