
The Final Four Stations of the L.A. Metro Red Line Finally Complete with Summaries

I have been blogging the past few days, but all the posts have been back-dated to the day I actually did that portion of my adventure on my trip. I’ve finally getting my back-log of posts up now that I’m back in New York after finishing my Skiing to Sun trip. Remember that a bunch of new photos to stations already on the web I’ve included so there is quite a bit of new stuff thrown in those posts. I’m also quite happy that I managed to get to JFK and home from Newark using the cheapest possible fare.

This update was the obvious one to come next, the 4 Los Angeles Metro Red Line Stations that I re-visited last Sunday evening and now finally feel are complete with summaries and pictures of all the entrances. The stops before just had some photos and a I need to revisit this note! The Metro in L.A. is finally complete (until the next extension opens)!
