The reason I haven’t gotten any updates out lately is the fact I’m working on a couple grandiose projects for the website. One of which is finally getting Caltrain up on the web, a project I started a few months ago, stopped and am now, finally, coming back to hammer it out and finish. This update is for the short portion of Caltrain shared with ACE and Amtrak. This update finally means that northern and southern California are finally connected by the Coast Starlight!
Here are the three new stations (I’ve just added to my older generation Caltrain homepage and am planning to do something more finished later):
- Santa Clara (University)–(47 Photos)
- College Park–(20 Photos)–A Stop just to serve a local prep school
- San Jose Diridon–(35 Photos)–I could use a few more photos, I assume I’ll get back there, the VTA Light Rail Station will have its own separate page still to come