It’s that time again, for me to start cleaning out my subway photos that I’ve taken from the past few months (a few are of the R train post-Sandy) and finally upload them to my website. This includes some photos of the R train outside (albeit out of service) and show how far spread my travel has been across the city.
Here are the updated stations in particular, in sort of an order:
- Prince Street–(2 Photos)–Photos of the Post Sandy Signs
- DeKalb Avenue–(8 Photos)–the R train terminating at Jay Street and the sign still saying Tunnel
- Queensboro Plaza–(5 Photos)–The closed 7 train Manhattan-bound platform from one of the numerous weekend closures with a work train rolling through
- Fort Hamilton Pkwy–(3 Photos)
- New Utrecht Av–(5 Photos)–It seems strange to have a warning for MTA Employees from NYC DOT Bridge employees on a very large, new and public sign
- 18TH Av–(15 Photos)–I caught the R Rush Hour Put-In from Coney Island!
- 20TH Av–(13 Photos)–in terrible shape, odd white stuff is on most of the platform columns, the ceiling is chipping
- Chambers Street (J/Z)–(14 photos)–the station is decrepit as ever
- 14TH Street-Union Square–(5 Photos)–a few more I found in my archive
- 179TH Sreet-Jamaica–(2 Photos)
- Jamaica Center–(3 Station photos, 1 of artwork)
- Bergen St–(1 Photo)–a staircase closed for retreading
- 5TH Av/53RD St–(3 Photos)
- 34 Street-Penn Station/8th Avenue IND–is the southern end of the Uptown platform really a restricted area?