NYC Subway

The Subway Stations at 34th Street-Penn Station

Don’t get to excited about this update (Well I do have plenty of photos). As I continue to dither about the best way to write Penn Station itself I managed to write the two subway stations that serve the surrounding area and all of the commuters beneath 7th Avenue and 8th Avenue. The exits are quite extensive (each station has six different turnstiles areas) and are also similar in terms of their unique layout of Platform-Local-Express-Platform-Express-Local-Platform only shared with the IRT station at Atlantic Avenue. This has both to do with limiting transfers at the stations but in my opinion this is also because the stops are just beneath the street to get above the Railroad Tracks that exist down beneath. There is no room for the intermediate mezzanines between street and platforms found at most train stations. Instead all entrances are either directly along the local platforms or down beneath, for those that provide access into Penn Station. The stations were also built after Pennsylvania Station opened using provisions that were part of the original design of the now demolished train station.

Here are the two stations, each with an additional artwork page, The original Penn Station and its still used Underground Platforms opened in 1910:
