Transit Adventures

2012 In review, A Year Riding 66 Amtrak Trains and many other Transit Systems

I’ve been wanting to make webpage updates but have managed to loose nearly all the pictures I took in 2012 to corrupt hard drive issues and I’m still figuring out the best way (and how much money I’m willing to spend) to try and get the photos back. I thought I might as well do a 2012 in review post since I’ve been keeping a spreadsheet of all my Amtrak and intercity other travel.

The totals on Amtrak are (every trip blogged about to some degree):

2013 will be a fun year for travel although there will definitely be less of it since I’ve qualified for Select+ and will begin all my trips in the ClubAcela lounge at Penn Station, I’ve already visited once waiting to put a friend who was visiting on NJ Transit back to South Jersey

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